The cool breeze outside called my name yesterday when I headed down for a late afternoon walk. I wanted to explore the area around my apartment not yet seen. Out of my front door, I walked right toward McGuinness Blvd. It's a busier street than others, not a place for a "stroll."
After walking a block, I began towards the water and back through my immediate neighborhood. The afternoon was cool and delightful. Mothers and babies in strollers, couples and little old men with canes walked under the cool shade of the trees.
We apparently live on the only street in the neighborhood without trees. That is so my luck.

Christopher's new barber.

The pretty gardens and trees on neighboring streets.

Travis and I decided to have a New York adventure and brave the crowds at the Staten Island Ferry for a free boat ride by the Statue of Liberty. We were surprised and closterphobic by the large amount of people waiting in masses to funnel through the doorway to make their way onto the ferry. Once on the boat, however, it wasn't as crowded, and we grabbed a beer to watch Our Lady Liberty go by.
Grace, I was in NYC yesterday (27th) on business. You're right--the weather was absolutely beautiful--cool and dry, very nice. Glad you are settling in okay.