Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Day

The moon is currently waxing gibbous. I'm not sure what that scientifically means, but I believe the current definition is "a lot of snow." The snow began last night as a mix of heavy slush, which turned the streets into puddles of brown slop. Now the sidewalks, roads and trees are brilliantly white.

Slim was called out of work for the weather, so we've stayed warm indoors. We are watching the snow and sharing a bottle of French red wine. Yum!

I'm having trouble uploading photos, but I'll update as soon as possible.


  1. I am sending you warm Tomato basil thoughts mixed with some waffle fry well wishes!

    Oh and a side of candied bacon for good luck!


  2. the password that i just had to type in was

    godshme...thats funny
